Sunday, January 9, 2011

Chrirstmas Eve, Morning and New Year's Eve 2010

Well, here we go, I've FINALLY posted new pictures.
December 24, 2010 - Morning and Early Afternoon
Here are the girls eating candy from the gingerbread house the had just finished 'building'.
They said the candy was "yummy" but the gingerbread was "ewe gross!" (It was a bit stale)

Just to make sure Santa did visit, we posted the official 'stop sign' for Santa in our window.

December 24, 2010 - Christmas Eve

With what is sure to become a Christmas tradition -
we attended the Second Annual Christmas Eve Pajama Service
(Sorry no pictures of Daddy in his jammies since he's the one taking the pictures :P !)

After Church, we went to Gramma and Grampas house for supper.
Santa even made an appearance. (a very quick "drive-by!")

The girls got to listen to "Twas the Night Before Christmas..."

...then it was home to bed. Our Little Girl passed out during the drive home so we put her right to bed, but our Big Girl had a bit of trouble getting to sleep. She helped put milk and cookies by the fireplace for Santa and even a few carrots out for Rudolph.

December 25, 2010 - Christmas Morning
Our Little Girl was the first one up and she didn't want to go downstairs yet. She actually
cuddled with us in bed and waiting until her sister woke up.
We all went downstairs together to discover that Santa had visted us
and "he left us lots of stuff!"

There wasn't a hallway gate to block them this year, but both girls actually WAITED until Gramma, Grampa and Auntie came over to open all of their presents (including stockings!)

Yes Mom I found my Figment hat, guess who loves it now?

December 31, 2010 - New Year's Eve
We had great friends come spend the evening with us for supper and Wii gaming.

Here both girls and a friend try out a Wii game.
Some of us tried dancing. Our Little Girl is "wiggling her booty!"
(Her exact words)
All four kids were pretty tuckered out by about 10 pm. Although, a couple of them tried their hardest to stay up with the adults.
So that's it, another year gone by! Good night!
January 1, 2011 - ...

1 comment:

Canadian Dreams said...

Great pictures! Makes us feel as though we were there. Looks like Santa was good to everyone. I love the aprons!