Monday, January 12, 2009

Christmas Season 2008

Sorry for the long delay in getting these pictures downloaded into our Blog.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to One and All
As always, our girls were very spoiled this year.
Christmas Eve (BRL) "Before Rescued Luggage"
Girls deciding which spot will be perfect for their stockings.
Since Santa joined Weight Watchers this past year, the girls decided to only give him a healthy snack on Christmas Eve. A glass of milk, a bowl of Life cereal and a pro-biotic fruit yogurt. YUMMY!!

Of course Santa 'locks down' our living room Christmas Eve just in case there are any sleep walkers being nosey. Both girls waited patiently while we all had breakfast and Mommy & Daddy showered before present opening.

Stockings get opened first, although the girls had one 'bigger' present to open that Santa couldn't really wrap that well.

Next we opened the presents from under the tree.
Both girls got vacuums, so they can now help Mommy & Daddy clean up. Our youngest decided to do a quick clean up right away!
"Hi Elmo"
After present opening at home, we drove to Ottawa to surprise Gramma and Grampa and stay with the girls Aunt & Uncle.
More presents - THANK YOU!

Playing dress-up.

A couple weeks later, we had a lovely day of more presents and lots of food at the other Aunts house.

Grampa reading a story.