Sunday, September 12, 2010

Aunt & Uncle Visit the New House

Our 'Big Girl' L-O-V-E-S puzzles!!
She even finished a 100 piece puzzle this morning in 20 minutes!
She told me that she first looks to match the colours than the shapes.
She is very smart!
What has now become a bit of a tradition, continued this afternoon. My Aunt and Uncle from "Out West" (yes, even past Kenora, Ontario) visited us in our new home. For whatever reason, the past few times they've brought KFC for dinner. This year we all decided to make changes and got the girls McDonalds while the adults got Chinese Food delivered.
Auntie, The Girls and Their Mommy went for a walk to the playground while Daddy and his Uncle stayed to watch the Banjo Bowl on TV. We all had a lovely visit!
Here is Auntie talking to Grandma B. on the phone.
Uncle loved playing with the girls.
Based on all of the giggling, I think they loved playing with him too!

We tried for a 'nice picture on the couch'. The following is the first attempt...

...a 'little' better!
Thanks again for the visit, come back anytime!

Unpacked and Getting Settled Into Our New Home

Well, we've now officially owned and lived in our new home for over one week. I thought that it was time to finally update our blog with 'moving day' pictures. Unfortunately, it appears as though we were all so busy actually 'moving' that no one thought to take any pictures. Our blog posts will make our moving day(s) seem very simple. Our furniture and 'stuff' did not just show up at our new house unpacked, assembled and put away- the tidiness you will see is the result of having to take one week of vacation time from work to move. After unpacking, I had our minivan filled (I could not see out the back window or the passenger mirrors) with broken down cardboard boxes and garbage bags to take a trip to the dump (transfer station). Just to clarify- garbage went in the 'garbage' bins, cardboard went in the 'recycling' bins.
A BIG 'THANK YOU' to everyone who helped us with the move'
I'm not sure how many have actually seen a gas meter read '00000'.
This, unfortunately will be the closest I will get to seeing zero.

Sod should be arriving soon, right after our neighbors house gets brick installed.
This property (and back yard) is what sold us on the lot.
A 145'-0 deep, 40'-0" wide, pie shaped lot isn't common for a city property.

Asphalt driveway will be done next spring to allow for any ground settling.

This says pretty much all you need to know about our family...
This is stenciled onto the end of our upstairs hallway.
We can all see and read this when we wake each morning.

Our 'Little Girl' enjoying her new IKEA chair (and some popcorn!)

Downstairs 'Rec Room'

Grandpa and Grandmas bedroom
Our garage. Stove- posted on Kijiji.
Loveseat and Couch - donating to charity
(won't fit through the doorway downstairs!)
Little 'play area' in the Family Room


Master bedroom

Master Walk-in closet
Master Ensuite

Upstairs Laundry Room

Girls Bathroom

Our 'Big Girls' Room

Office / Play Room

Our 'Little Girls' Room

Main Foyer

Last Day of Daycare! First Day of Grade One!