Monday, August 31, 2009

Sleepover in the Playhouse and a Big Girl Turns Two!

The Ontario Gramma and Grampa recently repainted the playhouse in their backyard. Last weekend Caitlyn and her Daddy had a sleepover. As you can see the air mattress we have took up almost the entire floor space, but it left just enough room for a table to hold our popcorn and books (Dora, Mercer Meyer, Barenstain Bears and Obama). We went there at 8:00 pm and after about twelve stories had to go back inside for a pee break. Got back to the playhouse, read three more pages and our little big girl was fast asleep. Daddy read his Obama autobiography and then turned off the light. Caitlyn woke Daddy up at 9:30 the next morning eating popcorn and had a huge smile on her face. I think she had a fun time with her Daddy. I know that I had a great time with her!
Playhouse has four working windows with blinds and an outlet on the back to plug in an extension cord so that the lights and fan work.

When we were in Winnipeg last month our camera broke and we have not taken it in yet to see if it can even be fixed. Here are a few pictures we managed to take of Hannah's Second Birthday. This gift was from Mommy and Daddy its a shelf with nine bins that hold her various toys and books in her room. Hannah like to clean up her room every night.

Caitlyn helping her 'little' sister. As you can see from the bluriness and the 'lines' our camera does not work properly. Luckily we were about to get these few pictures!
By the way, we decided that since Hannah's much younger male cousin on Daddy's side got to change to a 'big boy bed' we would try Hannah in her 'big girl bed. Luckily for us, her playpen converts fairly easy to a daybed by lowering the mattress and removing one of the side rails. She seems to enjoy her "new" bed and she does stay in it all night. She did roll out of it once during the second night, but she went right back in under the covers and we didn't hear form her until the morning. We're not sure if Hannah realizes that she can actually get out of her bed now by herself which is very good for Mommy and Daddy. She enjoys waking us up at exactly 7:00 am on the weekends by yelling (we still have the monitor on in her room) "Daddy where are you?" When we go to her room, Hannah is just sitting in her bed waiting for us.
Take care for now everybody- Hopefully we can get our camera fixed to get more pictures uploaded here soon! J&A

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

2009 Trip West- Vol. 2 Wisconsin Dells

OK, here we go. I've finally made the time to update this blog to show you what we did and saw before the wedding (see previous blog entry). I know that I'm not as quick at updating this as my mother and I apologize.
Day One of our trip - Still in the driveway. The girls, as you can see are really excited and happy to be starting a 10 hour day in the car!

We think that this is the best packing job we've EVER done for a two week trip. No suitcases were used, we each got a plastic 'tote' for our clothes.
We stayed the first night in Gurnee, Illinois (North of Chicago). We didn't really do anything exciting there, other than eat and sleep. I guess that's why we didn't take any pictures that day.

The second day we arrived at the first of our two major vacation stops, Wisconsin Dells - Waterslide Capital of North America. We stayed at the Carousel Inn & Suites, here is the view from our hotel balcony.

Caitlyn and Mommy picking out somewhere to get a pizza.
Wisconsin Deer Park
Here we get to walk around the same pen as over 100 tame deer. They have deer food to purchase before you get in. None of the deer shy away from people and are usually in your face if they smell food around you. Caitlyn didn't really have a good time, she mostly cried and yelled at the deer. Hannah cried only after one deer licked her face.

Caitlyn seemed to like this deer a bit better!
Lost Canyon Tours
According to the brochure "Dells most enjoyable half-hour horse-drawn carriage tour through a mile of awe and wonder. Enjoy tranquility and Mother Nature at her best".

We had great weather at the Dells. Here we are across the street from the Lost Canyon Tours in front of Lake Delton.

Lake Delton
The entrance to Lost Canyon Tours

Mid-Continent Railway Museum
Baraboo, Wisconsin
We enjoyed an hour long train ride through scenic countryside on a restored antique rail car.

Inside our coach car.

Canyon Creek Riding Stables

Mommy and Caitlyn getting on Hans
Daddy (with camera) and Hannah getting on Bonnie

Original Wisconsin Ducks

Hannah is being silly!
Timbavati Wildlife Park & Storybook Gardens

Riding the miniature train
We got to meet a porcupine.

After a very long day, the girls had a nap.
Mt. Olympus Water & Theme Park
We did go on the kids water slides, but the water was so cold that we only went once. Daddy and the girls went on a little train ride instead.

Both girls were extremely tired when we left Wisconsin Dells and kept on with our journey west. We had a great vacation this year!