Sunday, July 29, 2012

Buckshot 2012

Located near the village of Plevna, Ontario, Buckshot lake is considered by some as the cleanest lake in eastern Ontario.  We spent a week at the beginning of July, 2012 at Buckshot Lake Camp and had an amazing & relaxing time.

Van is all packed and the girls are "ready to go!"

Our cottage "The Merganser"

Luckily the first rule of the beach was "No shooting people with water that don't have a water gun!

We decided to show our true patriotic colours during Canada Day 2012.

The girls had fun being outside all week and experiencing a little bit of nature.

There was a LOT of swimming...

...a LOT of relaxing...


Tubing was a BIG hit!

"Life jackets while on the beach" was also a rule.

During one week, I probably doubled the number of times I have fished in my entire life!

The kids caught a frog.

Two sisters actually got along TOGETHER!

A well deserved vacation for our family.

Daddy & Hannah cuddling on the "Magic Chair"
"Magic" because it puts you to sleep.

Two other "friends" had a great time as well.

So long Buckshot, see you next year!

1 comment:

Clarence Rd Project said...

Great pictures!! Glad you guys got away and had some well deserved time together. Hope you have a great week with Mom and Dad...wishing we could be there too!