Friday, February 11, 2011

A Busy Week for the Tooth Fairy!

This past Monday, we picked up our Big Girl from her caregivers (Before & After School Care) and were told that she had gone to the bathroom and came out with a tooth in her hand.
No tears, just a big smile as always!
That night, she left her tooth on her dresser and found out that the Tooth Fairy had visited her room that night because in place of her tooth was a big shiny Toonie!
Tuesday night, during soccer at the Y, we noticed that our Big Girl was playing with another tooth that she said was loose. At 1:30 am we woke up to our Big Girl saying "Mom, Mom!" from the bathroom. Since I don't respond too well in the middle of the night (and since I wasn't actually the one being called), I didn't actually get up to see what the matter was. Apparently, our Big Girl was in the bathroom with another tooth in her hand and a Big smile on her face.
Again, the tooth was left on her dresser that evening and when our Big Girl woke up there was $1.50 on her dresser!

1 comment:

Canadian Dreams said...

Hope you are saving all those gifts from the Tooth Fairy for Disneyworld!