Saturday, March 21, 2009

Interprovincial Grandparents Make a Visit

The girls received a Crayola finger painting kit last Christmas. We thought that we should try it out one afternoon. As you will see, the girls loved it!!

Yes, the girls both (by themselves) put their favourite chairs on the couch to sit on and got comfortable by themselves with blankets.
Interprovincial Grandpa and our "Baby Girl" enjoying a book about the senses together.
Here, both Interprovincial Grandma & Grandpa help with the girls' colouring.

One day it was very nice outside, so we all went for a nice walk to the park. Our "Big Girl" is teaching our "Baby Girl" how to dunk.
"Baby Girl" loves the slide- or as she calls it the "WEEE!"
Both girls tried the 'big' slide numerous times too.

Where is everybody!The girls on a typical Saturday morning, watching TV.
We went to the Children's Museum and learned how scientists find plastic toy dinosaurs in the sand.
"Baby Girl" loves going to school, even on a Saturday.

Not sure why this one downloaded like this, but if you happen to be laying down at this very moment, then this will be the only picture you don't have to tilt your head to see- you should thank me for helping you out!
Something was funny, too bad pictures don't have any sound!

Here, our "Big Girl" is enjoying her teeter totter in our back yard. I just love her pretty smile. The teachers at her school say it's very infectious.

Interprovincial Grandma and our "Big Girl" enjoying a beverage (orange juice) by the slide.
We all loved our visit with the Interprovincial Grandparents! As quick as it was, we were all pretty tired afterwards, so we all had a nap!

1 comment:

Canadian Dreams said...

Love your pictures. I will be sending you some of mine soon! We too had fun - and we too were tired! I want your little one's jammies!

Love you all. Don't grow up too fast, at least not before July.