I know that I am a little bit biased, but I have two of the sweetest girls in the world.
I also know that I am (probably) too hard on both of them, and I know that I (probably) get mad at them way too often. But, when I look at the two pictures below they both look so sweet and loving!!
I just wish that they could play nicely all the time and listen to their Mom & Dad!
That's not asking too much is it??
Sometimes I see the two of them fighting or arguing and I think back to when I was growing up and wonder how my two sisters and I ever survived each other! I can remember tormenting my sisters the exact same way my girls torment each other. I understand completely why the oldest child thinks that they need to annoy and bother their younger sibling (s). I can't believe that it's taken me almost 30 years and becoming a dad myself to realize that it was NOT ok to bother and torment my younger sisters!!
Hearing the phrases "Daddy she's following me!" or "Mommy she's putting her germs on me!" brings back many (too many) childhood memories for me.
And, somehow with all that tormenting and bothering I did to them growing up, my sisters still grew up to be the beautiful, caring, nurturing mothers they are today!
....Maybe it does build character, but now that I am a father, I would have to say no it does not!
Happy Mothers Day to my Mom and to my Sisters!
Sorry for all the misguided attempts at character building as a child!

To celebrate Mothers Day, the girls and I bought Amanda an Autumn Blaze Maple Tree.
Here I am plating the tree in our backyard with the girls' help.