Thursday, December 23, 2010

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Friday, December 17, 2010

Merry Christmas from the Girls!

This was the very first year that both girls wanted to see Santa and both actually ran to him as soon as they saw him at the mall. In fact, our Big Girl drew Santa a picture and very proudly presented it to him before proclaiming "Santa I want toys!"

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Winter Wonderland!

When my sisters, niece and nephew arrived last Thursday afternoon all we had was a light sprinkling of snow that had only fallen that same morning. That was the first snow of the year.
Sunday morning it started to snow again. We drove the gang back to the airport shortly before noon on Sunday and on the way there we hit 'white-out' conditions on the 'four-oh-one'.

Monday, December 6, 2010 - All schools (Catholic & Public) C-L-O-S-E-D

Tuesday, December 7, 2010 - All schools (Catholic & Public) C-L-O-S-E-D

Apparantly this area has received 100 cm (1 metre) of snow since Sunday. This breaks the snowfall records from 1977! We have already surpassed the total amount of snow we had for all of last year! We are supposed to receive another 20-30 centimetres of snow by tomorrow!
Our Little Girl told us she wanted to make snow angels in our backyard this morning. We replied that there was way too much snow and we might loose her. Her very quick answer...
"That's OK, you can find me in the springtime!"

Monday, December 6, 2010

What a weekend! We miss them already!

How fortunate we are to live in a time when living 2000 kilometres apart means that we actually get to see each other from time to time. How very fortunate we are for family who will travel via plane those very same 2000 kilometres to spend a weekend with us!
We had an amazing weekend with both of my sisters, our nephews and our niece. We had to make sure that we didn't give the baby too many hugs though because as my little girl said "Daddy, we have to be careful because he's only a baby and will fall over!"
Even though it was only a few days ago, we already miss all of them. We do realize that three days with five children, all six and under is probably long enough for them for visiting, let alone their parents.
Here's our niece, who got quite a kick out of crawling up the stairs and then getting an adult to carry her back down again only to turn around and crawl back up! She is quite the character!
Our niece's big brother who loved playing with all kinds of new toys
(even though most were pink)!

He defiinitely loved my girls' 'computer'.

All four 'big' kids loved pretending to have picnics together.

The newest member of our family, our nephew doesn't say a whole lot but he does express himself quite well already. Especially at 2 in the morning-right? Not that I would know that first hand, but his mom sure looked tired every morning!

Our Big girl loved helping her cousin.

These two were best friends all weekend! The three moms and one dad would all say 'No T.V.' so my Little Girl would simply take her cousins hand and tell us they were going to play downstairs. After about ten minutes, the adults would say 'Its awfully quiet down there!', one of us would go down to check and (of course) my Little Girl and her cousin would be sitting on the couch or bed eyes fixed on some cartoon they had on the T.V. down there!

Everybody helped us put up our Christmas tree.
For awhile this was looking like the best picture we would get with all five kids!

A few attempts at getting all the kids in the same picture.
Here the three bigger kids were practicing without the younger ones.
No one smiling, only one looking at the camera.
Two crying, one getting too aggressive with her hugs.

One wonderful smile, one pouting, one slouching, one playing with the remote the oldest looking somewhere other than where she's supposed to.

Again, no one really looking at the camera!
I won't be posting the best picture as Mom is using it on her Christmas letter this year so we will have to wait until then to actually see it.
Thanks for a GREAT visit! We will see you all really soon.
Although, its our turn to make the 2000 km voyage!