Monday, March 30, 2009

The Tundra Swan- Only 10 minutes from home!

The lands that make up the Ontario Police College and Aylmer WMA were used as a Royal Canadian Air Force training base during World War II. In 1964, the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources acquired 338 acres as a provincial hunting area for upland game. In 1972, the focus changed to managing for waterfowl. In the years that followed, an inner sanctuary of 80 acres was enclosed with a chain link fence for the protection of the wildlife using the site and 50 acres of ponds and sloughs were created to attract migrant and breeding waterfowl. Over the years, facilities have been added and upgraded on a regular basis to enhance widlife viewing and access for all types of visitors. Currently there are trails, 4 wildlife-viewing stands with parking, interpretive signs and brochures, pit washrooms, and 3 hunting blinds with parking.

Inside one of the 4 viewing stands.
From wintering grounds in the states bordering Chesapeake Bay, the eastern population of the Tundra Swan begins its annual spring migration northward to breeding grounds in the high Arctic

Tundra Swans and Canada Geese

Looking out one of the other viewing stands.

Tundra Swans in flight.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Interprovincial Grandparents Make a Visit

The girls received a Crayola finger painting kit last Christmas. We thought that we should try it out one afternoon. As you will see, the girls loved it!!

Yes, the girls both (by themselves) put their favourite chairs on the couch to sit on and got comfortable by themselves with blankets.
Interprovincial Grandpa and our "Baby Girl" enjoying a book about the senses together.
Here, both Interprovincial Grandma & Grandpa help with the girls' colouring.

One day it was very nice outside, so we all went for a nice walk to the park. Our "Big Girl" is teaching our "Baby Girl" how to dunk.
"Baby Girl" loves the slide- or as she calls it the "WEEE!"
Both girls tried the 'big' slide numerous times too.

Where is everybody!The girls on a typical Saturday morning, watching TV.
We went to the Children's Museum and learned how scientists find plastic toy dinosaurs in the sand.
"Baby Girl" loves going to school, even on a Saturday.

Not sure why this one downloaded like this, but if you happen to be laying down at this very moment, then this will be the only picture you don't have to tilt your head to see- you should thank me for helping you out!
Something was funny, too bad pictures don't have any sound!

Here, our "Big Girl" is enjoying her teeter totter in our back yard. I just love her pretty smile. The teachers at her school say it's very infectious.

Interprovincial Grandma and our "Big Girl" enjoying a beverage (orange juice) by the slide.
We all loved our visit with the Interprovincial Grandparents! As quick as it was, we were all pretty tired afterwards, so we all had a nap!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Girls Playing Together

Somebody decided that she didn't want to get dressed one morning. Here she is watching TV in her diaper (her "Elmo").
Big sister watching TV at she same time and drinking her juice.
We all love our juice!!

Somebody decided it was time to go "nite-nite" although she hopped into her sisters 'big-girl' bed. maybe she's telling us she doesn't like being in a crib anymore.
The girls playing very nicely together reading books &
colouring at the dinner table.

It was a bit warmer this past weekend, so we decided to go for a long walk around the block. Both girls actually walked the whole way pushing their babies in seperate strollers!