Friday, December 26, 2008

Our Luggage Has Arrived!!

UPDATE: We finally got a call at around 11:00 p.m. Christmas Eve from the Air Canada that our luggage had arrived at the London Airport. They offered to get a courier service to deliver them to our door, but we decided that since it was late and we were planning to leave for Ottawa the next morning (after present opening of course) that we would pick them up ourselves. When I got to the airport at around 11:30 pm, I saw approximately 150 bags sitting there waiting to be either picked up up or delivered. Apparently, it doesn't take much for bags to be delayed and unfortunately for us a number of flights were both delayed and/or cancelled completely the day we flew back home. Luckily for us, our bags had only been sitting in Toronto Pearson Airport for the day and simply missed our connecting flight to London. Nothing was missing from either suitcase, and both still had our address/name tags attached.

MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!! Our blog will be updated with new pictures shortly.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Before the wedding.

Hannah waiting for the plane to arrive at the
London (Ontario) International Airport
Toronto Pearson International Airport had a nice kids play area that the girls enjoyed.

Cole, Caitlyn & Hannah played some tunes for us on the piano while in their convict outfits!

Mom (Brenda) made matching dresses for the girls for
Lee and Jason's wedding.

So precious!

Caitlyn seems to have her Mother's knack for organizing as seen here with her matching cards.

Grandpa Wedlake & Caitlyn

Grandma & Grandpa Wedlake

Presenting... Lee & Jason Hurton

I don't know why, but I still think its wrong to see the brides' dress before her wedding no matter who you are. Since her dress was "stored" in my old bedroom, I guess it's her fault that I saw it beforehand.
Anyways, it's the second most beautiful wedding dress I have ever seen (Amanda's is the most beautiful!)
At the Rehearsal - not sure if those are really practice tears;
I know mine weren't.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish
4588 Roblin Blvd
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Having a snack at the Hotel Fort Garry before the wedding.
Beautiful matching dresses that the girls' Grandma
hand made.

Calm, cool & collected (or at least giving that impression!)

"Mawidge..." (think Princess Bride)

Grandma Wedlake & Caitlyn both got their hair done...
... Grandpa Wedlake doesn't have any hair to get done!

Cole & Amanda

Jeffrey, Lee & Heather

Dad (Ross), Lee Hurton & Mom (Brenda)

Hannah working on her sign language before the reception. Actually, her daycare teaches it to the toddlers and apparantly Hannah has been a very quick learner. She knows (and uses at home) about 10 signs for various things like "more", "all done" & "bum change".

Cole didn't seem to like the fact that his bib matched the girls fancy dresses!

Caitlyn Rose - Four going on four-teen!!
She's becoming such a big girl.

Our "baby" Hannah with favourite Aunt named Debbie.

1st Dance
The Fort Garry Hotel: Crystal Ballroom

Father-Daughter Dance

Hannah-Mommy Dance

Caitlyn-Auntie Heather Dance

Caitlyn was all smiles on the dance floor.

I think Hannah was a wee bit tired...

Garter toss

...yup Hannah WAS tired!! She fell asleep in that position so we just left her until we were all ready for bed and then got her in her own jammies.

The next morning Hannah was all smiles eating
Corn Pops on the hotel bed.

2008 Pre-Christmas in Winterpeg

We had a lovely Pre-Christmas brunch and gift opening at Mom & Dad's before we had to return home. Here is Caitlyn having some quality time with Great Grandma Cleverley. Caitlyn loved showing everybody her picture books! Grandma & Grandpa with their three great-grand children.

Cole (or for you 'bloggers' "Mr. gets into Everything") with his Mommy opening gifts.
Caitlyn & Hannah with their Daddy opening gifts.
Wow Hannah! Mouth closed AND no tongue!!
Hey when I was four I didn't have my very own WORKING digital camera.
My darling & beautiful wife!
(It's too close to Christmas not to include her!)
The Original Wedlake-5

Caitlyn & Hannah waiting patiently in Toronto Pearson Airport. Now if only Air Canada could find Amanda and my suitcases everything would be perfect.